Azure Virtual Desktop – PowerShell – Create a Host Pool, Application Group and Workspace for RemoteApp aka Published Applications

13 Dec

In the previous blog post we learnt how to create the PowerShell – Create a Windows 11 Multi-session golden image for Azure Virtual Desktop using Marketplace Image | AskAresh and today we are going to take a step further and deploy the following features within Azure Virtual Desktop using PowerShell:

  • Create Host Pool with Type – RemoteApp
  • Create the Application Group (AG)
  • Create an Workspaces
  • Assign the Azure Active Directory Group to the (AG)

I will break down the code block into smaller chunks first to explain the critical bits, and in the end, I will post the entire code block that can be run all at once. In this way, explaining block by block becomes easier than pasting one single block.


RemoteApp – This is a way to provide end-users with the business applications alone without giving them an entire desktop. They can access their applications anywhere on any device.


Following are the pre-requisites before you begin

  • PowerShell 5.1 and above
  • Azure Subscription
  • Permissions within the Azure Subscription for the creation of AVD – Host Pools
  • Assumption
    • You have an existing Resource Group (RG)
  • Azure PowerShell Modules – Az.DesktopVirtualization

Sign to Azure

To start working with Azure PowerShell, sign in with your Azure credentials.


Variable Region

Delcare all the variable within this section. Lets take a look at what we are declaring within the script:

  • Existing Resource Group within the Azure Subscription (AZ104-RG)
  • A location where you are deploying this Host Pool (Australia East)
  • Name of the Host Pool (RA-HP01)
  • Host Pool Type (Pooled) as it will be shared with multiple end-users
  • Load balancing method for the Host Pool (DepthFirst)
  • Maximum users per session host VM (10)
  • The type of Application Group (RailApplications). As we are only giving out end-users Apps
  • Application Group Name ($HPName-RAG)
  • Workspace grouping name ($HPName-WRK01)
  • Azure AD group that will be assigned to the application group (XXXX4b896-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-33768d8XXXXX)
# Get existing context
$currentAzContext = Get-AzContext

# Your subscription. This command gets your current subscription
$subscriptionID = $currentAzContext.Subscription.Id

# Existing Resource Group to deploy the Host Pool
$rgName = "AZ104-RG"

# Geo Location to deploy the Host Pool
$location = "australiaeast"

# Host Pool name
$HPName = "RA-HP01"

# Host Pool Type Pooled|Personal
$HPType = "Pooled"

# Host Pool Load Balancing BreadthFirst|DepthFirst|Persistent
$HPLBType = "DepthFirst"

# Max number or users per session host
$Maxusers = "10"

# Preffered App group type Desktop|RailApplications
$AppGrpType = "RailApplications"

# ApplicationGroup Name
$AppGrpName = "$HPName-RAG"

# Workspace Name
$Wrkspace = "$HPName-WRK01"

# AAD Group used to assign the Application Group
# Copy the Object ID GUID from AAD Groups Blade
$AADGroupObjId = "XXXX4b896-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-33768d8XXXXX"

Execution block

Execution code block within this section. Lets take a look at what we are we executing within the script:

  • Create the host pool with all the mentioned variables, tags and whether the validation enivornment yes/no.
  • Create the application group and tie it to the host pool
  • Finally, we create the workspace and tie it to the application group and hostpool
  • Last step, we assign the AAD group object ID to the Application Group for all entitlement purposes.
# Create the Host Pool with RemoteApp Configurations
    write-host "Create the Host Pool with Pooled RemoteApp Configurations"
    $DeployHPWRA = New-AzWvdHostPool -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID `
        -Name $HPName `
        -Location $location `
        -ValidationEnvironment:$true `
        -HostPoolType $HPType `
        -LoadBalancerType $HPLBType `
        -MaxSessionLimit $Maxusers `
        -PreferredAppGroupType $AppGrpType `
        -Tag:@{"Billing" = "IT"; "Department" = "IT"; "Location" = "AUS-East" } `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Create the Application Group for the Remote App Host Pool
    write-host "Create the Application Group for the Remote App Host Pool"
    $CreateAppGroupRA = New-AzWvdApplicationGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -Name $AppGrpName `
        -Location $location `
        -HostPoolArmPath $DeployHPWRA.Id `
        -ApplicationGroupType 'RemoteApp' `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Create the Workspace for the RemoteApp Host Pool
    write-host "Create the Workspace for the RemoteApp Host Pool"
    $CreateWorkspaceRA = New-AzWvdWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -Name $Wrkspace `
        -Location $location `
        -ApplicationGroupReference $CreateAppGroupRA.Id `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Assign the AAD group (Object ID)  to the Application Group
    write-host "Assigning the AAD Group to the Application Group"
    $AssignAADGrpAG = New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AADGroupObjId `
        -RoleDefinitionName "Desktop Virtualization User" `
        -ResourceName $CreateAppGroupRA.Name `
        -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationGroups' `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

Final Script

Here I will paste the entire script block for seamless execution in a single run. Following is the link to my GitHub for this script – avdwin365mem/createhp-ag-wk-RA at main · askaresh/avdwin365mem (

# Connect to the Azure Subcription

# Get existing context
$currentAzContext = Get-AzContext

# Your subscription. This command gets your current subscription
$subscriptionID = $currentAzContext.Subscription.Id

# Existing Resource Group to deploy the Host Pool
$rgName = "AZ104-RG"

# Geo Location to deploy the Host Pool
$location = "australiaeast"

# Host Pool name
$HPName = "RA-HP01"

# Host Pool Type Pooled|Personal
$HPType = "Pooled"

# Host Pool Load Balancing BreadthFirst|DepthFirst|Persistent
$HPLBType = "DepthFirst"

# Max number or users per session host
$Maxusers = "10"

# Preffered App group type Desktop|RailApplications
$AppGrpType = "RailApplications"

# ApplicationGroup Name
$AppGrpName = "$HPName-RAG"

# Workspace Name
$Wrkspace = "$HPName-WRK01"

# AAD Group used to assign the Application Group
# Copy the Object ID GUID from AAD Groups Blade
$AADGroupObjId = "dcc4b896-2f2d-49d9-9854-33768d8b65ba"

# Create the Host Pool with RemoteApp Configurations
    write-host "Create the Host Pool with Pooled RemoteApp Configurations"
    $DeployHPWRA = New-AzWvdHostPool -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID `
        -Name $HPName `
        -Location $location `
        -ValidationEnvironment:$true `
        -HostPoolType $HPType `
        -LoadBalancerType $HPLBType `
        -MaxSessionLimit $Maxusers `
        -PreferredAppGroupType $AppGrpType `
        -Tag:@{"Billing" = "IT"; "Department" = "IT"; "Location" = "AUS-East" } `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Create the Application Group for the Remote App Host Pool
    write-host "Create the Application Group for the Remote App Host Pool"
    $CreateAppGroupRA = New-AzWvdApplicationGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -Name $AppGrpName `
        -Location $location `
        -HostPoolArmPath $DeployHPWRA.Id `
        -ApplicationGroupType 'RemoteApp' `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Create the Workspace for the RemoteApp Host Pool
    write-host "Create the Workspace for the RemoteApp Host Pool"
    $CreateWorkspaceRA = New-AzWvdWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -Name $Wrkspace `
        -Location $location `
        -ApplicationGroupReference $CreateAppGroupRA.Id `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Assign the AAD group (Object ID)  to the Application Group
    write-host "Assigning the AAD Group to the Application Group"
    $AssignAADGrpAG = New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AADGroupObjId `
        -RoleDefinitionName "Desktop Virtualization User" `
        -ResourceName $CreateAppGroupRA.Name `
        -ResourceGroupName $rgName `
        -ResourceType 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationGroups' `
        -ErrorAction STOP
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow

Next Steps on the Host Pool

Now that the host pool, application group and workspaces are ready following are the next steps involved:

  • Generate a registration token
  • Add the session host virtual machine to the host pool
  • Create Applications within the Application Group. You can create multiple Applications in single AG or 1 AG per Application.

I hope you will find this helpful information for deploying a host pools, application group and workspaces within Azure Virtual Desktop. If you want to see a Powershell version of the applications & session host activities, leave me a comment below or on my socials. Please let me know if I have missed any steps or details, and I will be happy to update the post.

Aresh Sarkari

5 Responses to “Azure Virtual Desktop – PowerShell – Create a Host Pool, Application Group and Workspace for RemoteApp aka Published Applications”


  1. Azure Virtual Desktop – PowerShell – Create a Host Pool, Application Group and Workspace for Desktop | AskAresh - December 13, 2022

    […] the previous blog post, we learnt how to create the Host Pools for Remote Apps Azure Virtual Desktop – PowerShell – Create a Host Pool, Application Group and Workspace for Rem… and today we are going to create the host pool for Desktops. It’s an identical post to the […]

  2. Intune Newsletter - 16th December 2022 - Andrew Taylor - December 16, 2022

    […] Azure Virtual Desktop – PowerShell – Create a Host Pool, Application Group and Workspace for… […]

  3. AVD news of the week - Johan Vanneuville - December 17, 2022

    […]… […]

  4. Virtual Desktops Community Newsletter 8th December – 15th December 2022 – Virtual Desktops Community - December 20, 2022

    […] Aresh Sarkari has written a blog post in which he shares how to remote various AVD Resources using PowerShell. If you are looking to automate your AVD Deployment then this is a great resource to use. You can read more here –… […]

  5. Azure Virtual Desktop – Terraform – Create a Host Pool, Desktop Application Group and Workspace for Personal Desktop (Part 1) | AskAresh - May 8, 2023

    […] the past, I have written blog posts on creating the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) solution using PowerShell. In this blog post series, I will demonstrate how to create the AVD Host Pool, Application Group […]

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