PowerShell – Microsoft Security Vulnerabilities with CVE ID and details as a monthly report for Windows 10\11 or Windows Server OS

27 Mar

Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) publishes a monthly consolidated report for all the Critical, Important, Moderate and Low security vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft products. The information posted there helps organizations manage security risks and keep their systems protected.


The monthly release notes provide https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/releaseNote/2023-Mar lot of additional information for all affected products.

Requirements (What are we trying to solve?)

Looking at the overall release notes for all the affected products (30+ products) and filtering the OS you are interested in can become overwhelming. E.g. You are only interested in products Operating Systems – Windows 11 22h2 or Windows Server 2016/2019/2022. Not saying other information is not essential, but imagine you are only responsible for the Operating Sytems. In such situations, you can use the below script to get a monthly report of CVE (Critical & Important) for a particular OS over to you in an email.


You will need the MSRCSecurity PowerShell module. Run the command to install the module; further, you can import the module within the script.

#Install Module
Install-Module MSRCSecurityUpdates -Force

#Import Module
Import-Module MSRCSecurityUpdates

Following are the Operating System (OS) products you can fetch the information against. If you want details for any other operating systems, copy that value and, in my script, paste it under the variable $ClientOS_Type. In my demonstration, we used “Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems”

$ID = Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID $Month


ProductID Value                                                                                 
--------- -----                                                                                 
10049     Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1 (Server Core installation)
10051     Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1                           
10287     Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2 (Server Core installation)      
10378     Windows Server 2012                                                                   
10379     Windows Server 2012 (Server Core installation)                                        
10407     Microsoft Outlook 2013 RT Service Pack 1                                              
10483     Windows Server 2012 R2                                                                
10543     Windows Server 2012 R2 (Server Core installation)                                     
10601     Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 (32-bit editions)                                
10602     Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 (64-bit editions)                                
10603     Microsoft Office 2013 RT Service Pack 1                                               
10611     Microsoft Office Web Apps Server 2013 Service Pack 1                                  
10612     Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 Service Pack 1                                   
10654     Microsoft Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 (32-bit editions)                                 
10655     Microsoft Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 (64-bit editions)                                 
10656     Microsoft Excel 2013 RT Service Pack 1                                                
10729     Windows 10 for 32-bit Systems                                                         
10735     Windows 10 for x64-based Systems                                                      
10739     Microsoft Excel 2016 (32-bit edition)                                                 
10740     Microsoft Excel 2016 (64-bit edition)                                                 
10753     Microsoft Office 2016 (32-bit edition)                                                
10754     Microsoft Office 2016 (64-bit edition)                                                
10765     Microsoft Outlook 2016 (32-bit edition)                                               
10766     Microsoft Outlook 2016 (64-bit edition)                                               
10810     Microsoft Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1 (32-bit editions)                               
10811     Microsoft Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1 (64-bit editions)                               
10816     Windows Server 2016                                                                   
10852     Windows 10 Version 1607 for 32-bit Systems                                            
10853     Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems                                         
10855     Windows Server 2016 (Server Core installation)                                        
10950     Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016                                           
11099     Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2013 Service Pack 1                            
11568     Windows 10 Version 1809 for 32-bit Systems                                            
11569     Windows 10 Version 1809 for x64-based Systems                                         
11570     Windows 10 Version 1809 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
11571     Windows Server 2019                                                                   
11572     Windows Server 2019 (Server Core installation)                                        
11573     Microsoft Office 2019 for 32-bit editions                                             
11574     Microsoft Office 2019 for 64-bit editions                                             
11575     Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac                                                         
11585     Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019                                                      
11600     Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 (includes 15.0 - 15.8)                      
11605     Microsoft Office Online Server                                                        
11655     Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)                                                       
11664     Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) version 9.0                                      
11726     OneDrive for Android                                                                  
11762     Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise for 32-bit Systems                                  
11763     Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise for 64-bit Systems                                  
11800     Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems                                         
11801     Windows 10 Version 20H2 for 32-bit Systems                                            
11802     Windows 10 Version 20H2 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
11902     Microsoft Malware Protection Engine                                                   
11921     Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) version 9.1                                      
11923     Windows Server 2022                                                                   
11924     Windows Server 2022 (Server Core installation)                                        
11926     Windows 11 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems                                         
11927     Windows 11 version 21H2 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
11929     Windows 10 Version 21H2 for 32-bit Systems                                            
11930     Windows 10 Version 21H2 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
11931     Windows 10 Version 21H2 for x64-based Systems                                         
11935     Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 (includes 16.0 - 16.10)                    
11951     Microsoft Office LTSC for Mac 2021                                                    
11952     Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 for 64-bit editions                                        
11953     Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 for 32-bit editions                                        
11961     Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition                                      
11969     Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0                                             
11987     Azure HDInsights                                                                      
12051     Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2                                             
12085     Windows 11 Version 22H2 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
12086     Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems                                         
12097     Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems                                         
12098     Windows 10 Version 22H2 for ARM64-based Systems                                       
12099     Windows 10 Version 22H2 for 32-bit Systems                                            
12129     Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4                                             
12137     CBL Mariner 1.0 x64                                                                   
12138     CBL Mariner 1.0 ARM                                                                   
12139     CBL Mariner 2.0 x64                                                                   
12140     CBL Mariner 2.0 ARM                                                                   
12142     Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Extended Stable                                       
12155     Microsoft Office for Android                                                          
12156     Microsoft Office for Universal                                                        
12167     Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5                                             
12169     OneDrive for MacOS Installer                                                          
12170     OneDrive for iOS                                                                      
12171     Azure Service Fabric 9.1 for Windows                                                  
12172     Azure Service Fabric 9.1 for Ubuntu                                                   
12173     Snipping Tool                                                                         
12174     Snip & Sketch for Windows 10                                                          
9312      Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2                                 
9318      Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2                              
9344      Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2 (Server Core installation)  

Variable Region

Delcare all the variable within this section. Lets take a look at what we are declaring within the script:

  • The MSRC website releases the montly report in the following yyyy-MM format
#Month Format for MSRC
$Month = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MMM'
  • The operating system we want to focus on and leave the rest. If you are interested in any other OS, change the value from the above prerequisites, and it will give you Critical/Import vulnerabilities for that OS or product.
# Enter the Operating System you specifically want to focus on
$ClientOS_Type = "Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems"
  • Enter the details for sending the email (subject line, to and from etc.) for the report
#Email Details
$Recipients = "askaresh@askaresh.com", "someone@askaresh.com"
$Sender = "cve-report@askaresh.com"
$SMTP_Server = "smtp.askaresh.com"
$Subject = 'CVE List for Windows 11 22H2 on '+$Month
  • HTML report formatting (CSS, Title of the report, Logo and Header) information
body {
    font-family: cursive;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #000000;
    background: #FEFEFE;
    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 50px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    padding-top: 10px;

    font-size: 16px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;

table td, table th {
    border:1px solid #000000;
    padding:3px 7px 2px 7px;
table th {
table tr.alt td {
tr.critical {
    color: white;
    background-color: red;
$Title = "<span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:24pt'>CVE List for Windows 11 22H2 on " + $Month + "</span>"
$Logo = "<img src='C:\Scripts\WinSvr\askareshlogo.png' alt='Logo' height='100' width='100'>"
$Header = "<div id='banner'>$Logo</div>`n" +
          "<div id='title'>$Title</div>`n" +
          "<div id='subtitle'>Report generated: $(Get-Date)</div>"

Execution block

Execution code block within this section. Lets take a look at what we are we executing within the script:

  • We are quering the MSRC using the powershell module and getting all the vulnerablity only for my OS – Windows 11 22H2
  • I am filtering only Critical/Important as I am not interested in Moderate and Low
  • Add additional tables for Base and Temporal scores
  • Adding the HTML formatting to highlight the Critical vulnerabilities in RED
#Main Script Logic
$ID = Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID $Month
$ProductName = Get-MsrcCvrfAffectedSoftware -Vulnerability $id.Vulnerability -ProductTree $id.ProductTree | Where-Object { $_.Severity -in 'Critical', 'Important' -and $_.FullProductName -like $Server_Type }

$Report = $ProductName | Select CVE, FullProductName, Severity, Impact, @{Name='KBArticle'; Expression={($_.KBArticle.ID | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', '}}, @{Name='BaseScore'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Base}}, @{Name='TemporalScore'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Temporal}}, @{Name='Vector'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Vector}} | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent $Css -PostContent "</table><br>" -As Table -Fragment | ForEach-Object {
    if($_ -match "<td.*?Critical.*?>") {
        $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr class='critical'>"
    else {

Final Script

Here I will paste the entire script block for seamless execution in a single run. Following is the link to my GitHub for this script – https://github.com/askaresh/avdwin365mem/blob/main/Win11VulnMSRCReport

### Install the module
#Install-Module MSRCSecurityUpdates -Force

### Load the module
Import-Module -Name MsrcSecurityUpdates

#Email Details
$Recipients = "askaresh@askaresh.com", "someone@askaresh.com"
$Sender = "cve-report@askaresh.com"
$SMTP_Server = "smtp.askaresh.com"
$Subject = 'CVE List for Windows 11 22H2 on '+$Month

#Month Format for MSRC
$Month = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MMM'

# Enter the Operating System you specifically want to focus on
$ClientOS_Type = "Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems"

# Environment Variables
body {
    font-family: cursive;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #000000;
    background: #FEFEFE;
    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 50px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    padding-top: 10px;

    font-size: 16px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;

table td, table th {
    border:1px solid #000000;
    padding:3px 7px 2px 7px;
table th {
table tr.alt td {
tr.critical {
    color: white;
    background-color: red;
$Title = "<span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:24pt'>CVE List for Windows 11 22H2 on " + $Month + "</span>"
$Logo = "<img src='C:\Scripts\WinSvr\askareshlogo.png' alt='Logo' height='100' width='100'>"
$Header = "<div id='banner'>$Logo</div>`n" +
          "<div id='title'>$Title</div>`n" +
          "<div id='subtitle'>Report generated: $(Get-Date)</div>"

#Main Script Logic
$ID = Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID $Month
$ProductName = Get-MsrcCvrfAffectedSoftware -Vulnerability $id.Vulnerability -ProductTree $id.ProductTree | Where-Object { $_.Severity -in 'Critical', 'Important' -and ($_.FullProductName -match $ClientOS_Type) }

$Report = $ProductName | Select CVE, FullProductName, Severity, Impact, @{Name='KBArticle'; Expression={($_.KBArticle.ID | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', '}}, @{Name='BaseScore'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Base}}, @{Name='TemporalScore'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Temporal}}, @{Name='Vector'; Expression={$_.CvssScoreSet.Vector}} | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent $Css -PostContent "</table><br>" -As Table -Fragment | ForEach-Object {
    if($_ -match "<td.*?Critical.*?>") {
        $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr class='critical'>"
    else {

#Send Email
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -From $Sender -Subject $Subject -Body "$Header $Report" -SmtpServer $SMTP_Server -BodyAsHtml

I recommend you create a schedule task for running this report on every 2nd Tuesday of the month.


After you finish running the script, you will receive an email which should be like the following:

Useful LinksCredits
Security Update Guide – https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guideMicrosoft
Release Notes for Security Updates – https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/releaseNote/2023-Mar (Simply replace the last three letter of the Month for previous reports)Microsoft
Original Script and Credits of this work – How to Get Latest CVE from MSRC with PowerShell – AventisTechAventis Technologies

I hope you will find this helpful information to gather Microsoft Security vulnerability reports for a specific operating system using PowerShell. Please let me know if I have missed any steps or details, and I will be happy to update the post.

Aresh Sarkari

3 Responses to “PowerShell – Microsoft Security Vulnerabilities with CVE ID and details as a monthly report for Windows 10\11 or Windows Server OS”

  1. DTheMan November 29, 2023 at 2:19 pm #

    Is it possible to add multiple OS such as Windoes 10/11 and Server Family to your script?


  1. Intune Newsletter - 8th April 2023 - Andrew Taylor - April 8, 2023

    […] PowerShell – Microsoft Security Vulnerabilities with CVE ID and details as a monthly report fo… […]

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