Archive | 2017

Enabling Verbose Mode for ADMX Logging (NoAD Mode) – VMware UEM 9.1

14 Feb

If you using VMware UEM for applying ADMX-based Setting and want detailed verbose logs on ADMX then then you will have to add an additional advanced settings in the NoAD.xml file.

Background: We were applying an ADMX setting (Desktop Background Wallpaper) and it wasn’t applying on the virtual desktop. The informational logging was not sufficient in deriving the root cause of the issue. Why the AMDX setting was getting skipped? After enabling the verbose logging it started logging additional information that was helpful in arriving to a conclusion.

Solution (NoAD.xml)
Located under \\FileShare\General\FlexRepository\NoAD subfolder.


XML Attribute


Enable verbose logging for ADMX-based settings, application blocking, and Horizon policiesAdmxLogging=”1″

Set to 1 to configure

Screenshot of the NoAD.xml file:

ADMX Logging

After enabling the setting you will see an additional file called FlexEngine-ADMX.log in the logs folder which will capture all the verbose logging.

Reference KB Article:
Configuring advanced UEM settings in NoAD mode – 2148324


How to collect logs from Horizon View 6.x/7.x Instant Clones – Desktop VM’s

7 Feb

If you have desktops deployed via Horizon View 6.x/7.x Instant Clones technology it can get very difficult to collect the Horizon View Agent logs from the desktop VM for troubleshooting/analysis purposes. The moment the end-user logs-off from the desktop it gets into the Status = Disconnected –> Deleting.

vCenter Task for log-in and log-off of the desktopvCenter Task Log-in/Log-Off

vCenter Task for Deleting –> Customizing –> AvailablevCenter Task Delete - Customizing - Available

The above operations happen very quickly. Suppose in our scenario the desktop was failing on the Status=Customizing (View Administrator). The desktops status would change into the Error state and after couple of seconds get into delete will remain in a loop until the desktop becomes available. This is by design as the Instant Clone is trying to re-create the desktop There was no way to capture the logs for analysis or troubleshooting.

Resolution:Now you can disable the recovery of the Instant Clone desktop VM if they are in the Status=Error (Strictly for troubleshooting purposes). This setting can be enabled at Desktop Pool Level

Desktop Pool Setting (disable autorecovery):

  • Open the Horizon View ADAM – (DC=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int)
  • Go to OU=Server Groups – on you right select OU=DesktopPoolName (this is the name of your desktop pool)
  • Search for pae-RecoveryDisabled and click Edit
  • Enter Value =1 and click Add – OK
  • ADAM

Now whenever your desktop within the Pool will be in Status=Error it will not delete the VM and keep it in the Error state for you to capture the logs and perform troubleshooting. Please revert the changes of this settings once you have finished analysis. I hope these steps would be helpful leave a comment down below

Additional KB:
Connecting to the View ADAM Database (2012377)


Error accessing iOS devices – VMware Horizon View 7.x and F5 BIG IP APM 12.x

6 Feb

If you have recently upgraded to Horizon 7.x and use BIG IP APM version 12.1 you may realize that your Apple iPad and iOS devices don’t work. The following error message on the Horizon View Client is noticed. (Screenshot from iPad)

iPad Error

Error: The Horizon server connection failed. Error the connection timed out.

In our scenario all the other devices such as Android, Windows etc. was working fine. To fix this problem we had to create a new F5 iRule(Name it F5-APM-iOS-fix):


if { [HTTP::header "Origin"] ne "" } {
HTTP::header remove "Origin"
Note: Make sure you apply this iRule on the existing Horizon View iApp or/else it will not allow you to apply the iRule, may get a error message.

Reference KB Article:
Accessing VMware Horizon 7 through the BIG-IP APM system
